Wednesday, May 26 · 6PM – 7PM
Thurday, May 27 · 10AM - 11AM Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 413-276-7471 PIN: 675 679 033# Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School, Please review the attached letter in detail and be sure to complete all necessary forms including: - Opt-in - Testing consent - NYC Student Account New opt-in period has begun: March 24th - April 7th. The DOE is aiming for new elementary opt-ins to join by the end of April Right now the school is working out classroom configuration, furniture orders, staffing and supplies. After April 7th we will have a better understanding of our new blended learning program. Have a great day! In partnership, Mr. Brunner ![]() TOWN HALL TONIGHT 6 PM There are significant updates regarding... - Attendance (and class schedules) - Masks (what is/ is not allowed) - Technology Testing will be covered early next week. See you there! Join by phone (US) +1 337-340-3585 PIN: 372 997 402# In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Afternoon Brooklyn Brownstone Families and Friends,
We had another smooth day of in-person learning. Remote learning is progressing daily as we work out the kinks, address connectivity and technology needs. In preparation for the Town Hall TONIGHT, please feel free to access our brief slideshow: Each item will be discussed in detail, however we do not anticipate the presentation to last long. As always, we will provide sufficient time for questions and an open forum at the end. See you soon! Mr. Brunner ![]() Need assistance with connectivity or tech. devices? We have the resources you need! Follow these steps: (also available in the "SUPPORT" tab on our website) Step 1: FAQs and step by step instructions for common issues: Step 2: Reach out to the NYC DOE Help Desk for personalized support: or Call 718-935-5100 Step 3: The Brooklyn Brownstone Tech Team can help! Please follow steps 1 and 2 FIRST ;-) Allow the Brownstone Tech Team 24-48 hours to return your message. ![]() Happy Friday Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends, Many of you have reached out asking how to help and whether you could donate supplies to the school. Next Tuesday we will be hosting a supply drive. Once we receive and categorize donations, we will redistribute to families before school starts. If you are planning on donating, please refer to our supply list: Additionally, this week during our town halls we were asked how families could support their classroom teachers. We've created an Amazon Wish-list that includes two simple but critical items; laptop/ iPad stands for live streaming synchronous instruction and face shields for teachers when the students are eating breakfast and lunch. Thank you in advance for your big hearts, it's what keeps us going and growing. Have a great weekend! Sincerely, Mr. Brunner Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone Families and Friends,
I have a few updates for the community: CLASS ROSTERS have been finalized. Over the next two days your new teacher will be reaching out to introduce themselves. We will also archive the current classes in both ClassDojo and Google Classroom to be replaced with new ones. If you find yourself without complete access to ClassDojo, it will only be momentarily and you can check our School News page on the website to keep informed. PPE quality and quantity is low. I examined the masks at school and we will absolutely need to supplement the supply as we were only given 600 disposable child masks to be shared across the entire campus. I have escalated my concerns, however I am advising that every child has at least 5 masks of their own from home. SUPPLIES including the masks mentioned above and various classroom supplies can be donated by families to the school starting Tuesday, September 1st. More info. specific to our classroom supply asks will be released later this morning. OUTDOOR LEARNING has been a hot topic this week. We are not rushing to purchase tents and implement a half-baked outdoor classroom plan. Students will be able to play outside as normal. Teachers have been encouraged to practice discovery learning through neighborhood walks, trips to the park, and more. THE CALENDAR has not been released yet. The first day of school is September 10th for Group B and C students. Group A students will begin on Monday September 14th. Have a great day and stay cool! Mr. Brunner REMINDER:
TOWN HALL TOMORROW MORNING Friday, August 28th, 10 AM AGENDA: - PPE for students (NEW INFO) - Outdoor learning (NEW INFO) - School support and donations (NEW INFO) - Health and Safety Protocols (RECAP) - Summer timeline (RECAP) - Open forum Google Meet Link: Join by phone (US) +1 646-883-1908 PIN: 764 983 127# If you have any questions or suggestions please comment below so we can prepare to respond. Thank you. In partnership, Mr. Brunner We get through this by communicating. Talking to understand our greatest concerns so that they may be understood and addressed. That's why we've hosted so many town halls, made countless phone calls, and wrote so many emails this summer.
On that note...please see the attached flyer. The United Federation of Teachers is hosting a "conversation about reopening schools and safety concerns" for parents this Thursday, August 27th at 5 PM. Take care! Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends, Please see the attached message from Chancellor Carranza. This week’s Reopening Update for Families includes:
Other Reminders:
Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We will do our best to reply in a timely manner. In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Afternoon Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends, Throughout our many town halls and multiple School Leadership Team meetings this summer we have discussed prioritizing our neediest families including students with disabilities, English language learners, students in temporary housing and unstable home settings, and more. This week the Department of Education announced that elementary schools can choose models other than Model 1A, Model 1B, and Model 2. Based on our community discussion and school leadership team member input we have chose Model 5B. When examining the images below you will note that they are virtually the same except their is a group C that attends 5 days a week. By selecting this model we will be able to serve our neediest students. Thank you for your feedback and collaboration. In partnership, Mr. Brunner FINAL MODEL SELECTION: 5B COMPARED TO PREVIOUS MODEL SELECTION: 1B
![]() Good Afternoon Brooklyn Brownstone School, Some updates: 1.) LEARNING PREFERENCE We are releasing ANOTHER survey regarding your choice of blended or 100% remote. We know that not every family was able to complete the centralized survey by August 7th. If you did not complete that survey you are automatically signed up for blended learning, however we know some families will be keeping their children home. We need to know EVERYONE'S choice. Please complete the quick survey ASAP. 2.) BLENDED MODEL The Superintendent and the District Review Team have PROVISIONALLY APPROVED the School Programming Model we chose: Model 1B To recap, Model 1B follows an "AB" schedule alternating every 2-3 days as follows: Week 1: AAABB Week 2: BAABB (repeat) 3.) NEW CLASSES Once we have a response from all Brooklyn Brownstone families, we will create our class lists. We hope this will be completed early next week, followed by NEW ClassDojo codes. 4.) ON-BOARDING AND ORIENTATION After classes are set, teacher will reach out to introduce themselves and may provide virtual and/ or in-person opportunities to meet. Orientation for the school year will begin the week of August 24th. 5.) TOWN HALLS This week there are no Town Halls scheduled. We did have an open School Leadership Team meeting last night. We will continue Town Halls next week. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Thank you. In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School,
This evening we are hosting a School Leadership Team meeting focused on our programming model decision for students and families that will be participating in blended learning. Please continue to complete the survey and let us know which model works best for you. Join us tonight at 6PM. Our meeting is open to the public and can be accessed via the following: Google Meet Link: Join by phone: (US) +1 478-419-0260 PIN: 326 891 760# See you then! Mr. Brunner Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends,
Today I received feedback from the parent surveys that were due last Friday. Based on the data, we will be choosing Model 1 with an AB schedule. It's great news for families that want students to participate in person as frequently as possible. Now YOU decide which sub-model we go with. Please carefully examine the image above. Note that Chancellor Carranza's preference is Model 1A. I am leaning towards Model 1B because there is less exchange between groups during the week. The School Leadership Team will be meeting to discuss these options. This decision is ultimately on the families and staff members as it will impact your work schedules. Please complete the following QUICK survey ASAP so that your opinion is counted. Reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Thank you. In service, Mr. Brunner Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends, We have been working on the SUPPLY LIST and although each grade level may add a few specific items, we can share the following now so you can take advantage of some deals. Please see the attached PDF. We understand that hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are hard to find. We appreciate your effort in finding and supplying the school with them. Finally, if you chose 100% remote learning and have the ability to purchase classroom supplies, we will arrange a drop off date. Thank you in advance for your contribution. Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions including some sale tips! In partnership, Mr. Brunner ![]() Hi Brooklyn Brownstone Families and Friends, This week our town hall will discuss health and safety protocols that include quarantine, testing, and tracing procedures. Please join us tomorrow, August 5th at 6 PM using the following link: or call: 1-719-644-6284 PIN: 510 891 892# See you then! Mr. Brunner Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School, Please read the attached letter from Chancellor Carranza regarding NEW health and safety protocols for school this fall. This information will be covered tomorrow night during our next town hall at 6PM. Reach out with any questions and we will do our best to answer them of forward to the appropriate party. Thank you. Have a great day! Mr. Brunner |
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