![]() TOWN HALL TONIGHT 6 PM There are significant updates regarding... - Attendance (and class schedules) - Masks (what is/ is not allowed) - Technology Testing will be covered early next week. See you there! https://meet.google.com/zox-umkd-duf Join by phone (US) +1 337-340-3585 PIN: 372 997 402# In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Afternoon Brooklyn Brownstone Families and Friends,
We had another smooth day of in-person learning. Remote learning is progressing daily as we work out the kinks, address connectivity and technology needs. In preparation for the Town Hall TONIGHT, please feel free to access our brief slideshow: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1a_yktWallshNwjGb4hdrOZBNXZJL2AfRz3IXvtR_i_Q/edit?usp=sharing Each item will be discussed in detail, however we do not anticipate the presentation to last long. As always, we will provide sufficient time for questions and an open forum at the end. See you soon! Mr. Brunner ![]() Need assistance with connectivity or tech. devices? We have the resources you need! Follow these steps: (also available in the "SUPPORT" tab on our website) Step 1: FAQs and step by step instructions for common issues: https://www.nycenet.edu/technicalsupportforfamily Step 2: Reach out to the NYC DOE Help Desk for personalized support: https://servicecenter.nycenet.edu/CherwellPortal/IT?Locale=en-US&_=67e82f5f or Call 718-935-5100 Step 3: The Brooklyn Brownstone Tech Team can help! Please follow steps 1 and 2 FIRST ;-) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccK-U1plWpiYkjzoDa_aes7cBAUITrs0sop-Z-dpDCl3Jnpw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628 Allow the Brownstone Tech Team 24-48 hours to return your message. |
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