![]() REMINDER: Wacky Wednesday is TOMORROW! Let's carve out some time for fun and break up the week. Dress wacky and tell a joke, pun, or riddle for April Fool's Day! I'll be posting a read-aloud on the School Story for the children in the morning. See you then! Mr. Brunner A little riddle to get things started: Noah's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ____? ![]() This Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday for April Fool’s Day! Wear your wackiest outfit. Tell us a joke, riddle, or pun. All are encouraged to participate. Bust out those “dad jokes!” Let’s have some fun. Successful Launch and Remote Learning Survey Brooklyn Brownstone Family and Friends,
Welcome to week 2 of Brooklyn Brownstone School Online! Congratulations on a successful launch. In this message, I will discuss the Remote Learning Survey (linked below) and exciting changes and additions moving forward. Key points: - Communication and Collaboration - Technology Distribution - Work Load - Virtual Platforms - Social Isolation - Fun activities (Wacky Wednesdays starting this week) Please complete the survey ASAP: https://forms.gle/bL3rzhPvm9BDzjWC6 Thank you and have a great week! In partnership, Mr Brunner Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone Family,
I wanted to touch based with all of the TBBS scholars and families to see how the first week of remote learning has been. While it has been difficult not being able to see each of you, I have enjoyed watching your videos, looking at student art work and engaging with students virtually. I know that this week has not been an easy one, and we appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we are building our online learning experience. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey using the link below. Your input is important to us. Do not hesitate to reach out to me, or any Brooklyn Brownstone School staff member if you need assistance. We are a family, and we are only as strong as our weakest link. I send all of you lots of love, and I can't wait until we see each other in person. TBBS Remote Learning Survey: https://forms.gle/RcvzW97LgCuLQwcEA Take care, give care Mrs. Richards Welcome to Brooklyn Brownstone School Online Good morning Brooklyn Brownstone Scholars,
This message is for the students! I miss you all so much. We've been working hard to make sure there are fun activities and learning experiences for you while you're at home. Remember you're a Brooklyn Brownstone Scholar wherever you are, so be sure to ask your family if they need help with anything. If you need something, message me. I am happy to help and I would love to talk to you on the phone or face-time. I hope you have a great first day of Brooklyn Brownstone School Online. Love, Mr. Brunner Brooklyn Brownstone School, I hope you're having a restful weekend. Click on the attached file for our virtual learning expectations. Communication and patience (for others and yourself) will be the key to our success and ensuring our children are learning. In partnership, Mr. Brunner
Week 1 of Remote Learning: Setting Expectations Good morning Families and Friends,
Welcome to Brooklyn Brownstone School Online! The attached video is for adults. Another video will be posted for children. Some key points as we begin this journey together: • Expect trial and error • Acknowledge the extraordinary • Practice self-care • Start small but strong • You are not alone • Kindness and gratitude go a long way Thank you everyone, let’s have a great week! In partnership, Mr Brunner ![]() Good morning Brooklyn Brownstone Family and Friends, We have some updated information regarding iPad distribution from the Department of Education. They are ordering 300,000 just elementary schools! https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learn-at-home/ipad-distribution Message me privately for STUDENT ID # TIMING: The week of March 23, 2020 the first shipment of 25,000 iPads will make their way to homes across New York City, beginning with high-need students. Around March 30, the DOE expects to receive a second shipment of 50,000 devices and we will prepare those devices for shipment within a week, and deliver them as soon as possible. iPads will be distributed on a rolling basis until all needs are filled. INDIVIDUAL DELIVERIES: The DOE is contracting with FedEx to deliver iPads directly to students. Your iPad will be shipped to the address you entered on the request form. Multiple iPads will be delivered to homeless shelters and foster care centers. If you have already filled out the request form, you will receive a text message or email making sure you have completed the Student Device Loan Agreement. Please complete the agreement when you request a device as your device cannot be shipped unless you have signed the agreement. Please make sure someone is at the address to accept the delivery, as FedEx will not leave packages unattended. Also, FedEx carriers will adhere to social distancing rules. I hope this helps! Again, please write a message if you need anything. I hope we have a great second day of Brooklyn Brownstone School Online! Sincerely, Mr. Brunner ![]() TBBS Parents, Teachers, and Staff, In short, we want to let you know that we have not forgotten about you! As parents, we are trying to make necessary adjustments to care for the health and well being of our own families, but despite this, we miss our extended TBBS family. In an effort to comply with “social distancing”, yet, still build up our community, the PTA will be hosting a virtual meeting with the purpose of supporting one another. Virtual Learning is not only a new idea for most families, but it can be a very stressful idea. As parents, we wonder how we will succeed. Thankfully, we have the support of our amazing team at Brooklyn Brownstone, who have been working tirelessly to help our children get through this adjusted way of learning. Please remember that you are not alone as we embark on this journey. By sticking together and maintaining communication, we can and will come out stronger, smarter and better than before. Please stay tuned for our upcoming Virtual Meeting Date. With Kind Social Distancing regards, PTA Executive Staff 🤗 Hi Brooklyn Brownstone Families, I hope the school day is going well for you. We understand there will be "bumps in the road" moving forward. We will do absolutely everything possible to support you and your families. Mr. Gibbs, Mrs. Richards, the teachers, and I are ready to help. Please reach out. Click the link for a list of resources including food services, childcare, technology, and setting up routines for your child. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O1FwisEP90SXPt-Xu5kNC3Ut0c9sC06cZ8KRAtBTTiU/edit?usp=sharing Wishing you and your families well, Mr. Brunner Good morning Brooklyn Brownstone School,
We have updated information regarding the following: Breakfast and Lunch sites, which are free to all children in NYC. Regional Enrichment Centers for the children of first responders, healthcare workers, and our most vulnerable populations. Click the link to apply for your child to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDNFMOezuG9mCu99utf3dkloTpdEhzBB1ancwlaeT3ny7uEQ/viewform Remote Learning Device Requests. Brooklyn Brownstone has distributed all we can. The Department of Education is arranging for families in need to receive one iPad per student. Be sure to fill out separate applications if you have multiple children in school. Click the link to apply: https://coronavirus.schools.nyc/RemoteLearningDevices (If you don't have the student ID number, message me directly) I will be in touch later today with important information for Monday. Wishing you are your families all the best! Mr. Brunner Good evening Brooklyn Brownstone School, We are working away getting ready for Monday's launch of home-school. Please see the attached message from Chancellor Carranza. District 16 will open a Regional Enrichment Center at Public School 26, on the corner of Lafayette Ave. and Malcolm X Blvd. In order to successfully fight COVID-19, our first responders, health care providers, transit workers, and other key personnel must be able to come to work. That is why we have created Regional Enrichment Centers (RECs)—places where the children of these front-line workers can be safely cared for while their parents continue to serve the city in this time of need. Staffed by DOE employees and community-based organization partners, the centers will provide children with three hot meals daily, remote learning time with their teachers, activities like art and music, and social and emotional support. Regional Enrichment Centers will be available citywide. If you are a first responder, health care provider, or transit worker whose child is a New York City resident, and you have no other child care option, please complete this survey (linked below) to begin your enrollment process. You will then be contacted about assignment to a site near your home. These centers are not available for any other New Yorkers at this time. We will post additional updates and information on the DOE website about RECs as we have it at schools.nyc.gov. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDNFMOezuG9mCu99utf3dkloTpdEhzBB1ancwlaeT3ny7uEQ/viewform Wishing you all the best! I will be in touch tomorrow regarding next week's expectations, schedule, etc. In partnership, Alex Brunner Good evening Brooklyn Brownstone School,
My previous message was deleted based on updates from our School Chancellor. Please see below: HARD COPY/ PACKET PICK UP: Tomorrow outside Brooklyn Brownstone School from 8:00AM - 2:00PM We have materials for PreK - 5th Grade TECHNOLOGY: In order to completely participate in at-home learning, all students will need internet and either an iPad, Chromebook, or laptop/ desktop computer. We are able to distribute SOME devices to families that do not have any of the above listed items. As previously stated, message me directly and I will do my best to equip you. You will have to complete some paperwork tomorrow during pickup between 8:00AM -2:00PM The city is currently purchasing thousands of iPads for direct at-home distribution. In order to receive the device you must complete the following form: https://coronavirus.schools.nyc/RemoteLearningDevices CONTACT INFORMATION: We need updated phone numbers, emails, and home addresses for all families. If you have not already done so, please message your child's teacher with that information. Thank you everyone. Your encouraging comments have really helped us to push forward in preparing to launch our at-home learning next week. Wishing you all the best, Alex Brunner Good Morning TBBS Family,
We know that you and your family may be feeling stress during this uncertain time. If your kids are anything like mine, there is a mix of emotion with school closures. I anticipate that the excitement of school closures will wane, and children will begin to ask more and more questions about what is happening. We have compiled some resources to support conversations with your children during this time. Remember, you are not alone in this. We are a family and we need to rely on one another for support. Please let me or Mr. Brunner know if you need anything and we will do our best to help. Sending lots of love, Mrs. Richards https://childmind.org/article/talking-to-kids-about-the-coronavirus/ https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/coronavirus-how-talk-child.html https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/22996/ Dear TBBS,
I apologize for flooding your phones with new messages. We are doing our best to keep everyone informed, while limiting the number of messages that you are receiving. Currently we are working to ensure that all families have access to internet services and technology for at home learning. We are asking for your cooperation. If you DO NO CURRENTLY have access to internet, we are asking for families to contact one of the following service providers for FREE internet service. Spectrum Internet: To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395. *Installation fees will be waived for new student households Comcast: 1-800-934-6489 https://www.internetessentials.com/ Comcast is waiving fees for 60 days After securing internet services, please send a message to Mr. Brunner if you need technology to access our digital platforms. We will be loaning out technology to families so that at home learning can occur in all households. Take care, Mrs. Richards ![]() Brooklyn Brownstone Family, I’m here working on preparing hard copy companions for our digital platform. Once completed we will arrange pick-up this week. Please be patient, the printers and I can only do so much at a time. More info. to come soon. Take care, Alex Brunner Hey Brownstone!
Quick notes... We hope to have printed iReady materials ready for pick-up outside of the school Wednesday morning All classes will officially launch their virtual learning next Monday, March 23rd. Teachers will be guiding you through lessons daily - posting the plan, tips, and even videos to help the children. Technology distribution will be ready sometime later this week. We only have a handful of devices available so it is only for families that truly NEED them. Please message me directly if that's you. It is now being recommended not to gather with more than 10 people. Reading between the lines, that means at home with your family only. I know this can be scary, but this is what being proactive looks like. This is how we fight the spread of the virus and stay safe and healthy. More information to come tomorrow. I hope you're getting used to hearing A LOT from me on Dojo. This is only the beginning. Good night TBBS! Be well, Mr. Brunner Home School Plan and more resources Good evening Brooklyn Brownstone Friends and Family, We are in uncharted territory. The worldwide pandemic COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to evolve on a daily basis and has impacted every facet of life. The best course is to practice an abundance of caution. I STRONGLY encourage every Brooklyn Brownstone community member to practice social distancing. This includes not going to restaurants, bars, communal spaces including places of worship, even home gatherings with family and friends. People most at risk of serious illness or death have underlying health conditions and are over the age of 55. We must ensure they have adequate supplies AND limit or eliminate physical contact. For more information on how to protect ourselves and our loved ones, please click the following link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Though school closings may be shocking to you, Mrs. Richards and I have been closely watching the situation evolve and preparing as early as two weeks ago. Our mindset has been that if it doesn't feel too early, it's probably too late. At this time, some Brooklyn Brownstone families have already received a portion of our at-home learning materials. This weekend I have been collaborating with school staff to create our virtual platform, which is attached as a PDF included in this message. The plan is incredibly structured and it is our expectation that you tailor it to fit your schedule. This is a long break from school and children will need that structure and routine. Tuesday through Thursday, Brooklyn Brownstone staff and central Department of Education staff will continue to collaborate and develop additional resources, to be launched in the following weeks to meet the needs of you and your child. For more information, please click the following link: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/health-and-wellness/coronavirus-update We understand that many families have needs beyond academic content. Beginning tomorrow morning, Brooklyn Brownstone School will be providing grab-and-go breakfast and lunch bags for all families in need. Unfortunately, children will not be able to eat at the school or linger on campus, though we do miss them already. Some families may not have access to the internet at home or have adequate devices to engage in online learning. Many internet providers are offering their service for FREE including Spectrum. “To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.” We are working on a solution for those that need iPads, laptops, etc. Please message me directly if this is a concern for your family. Finally, though schools are closed, the Brooklyn Brownstone School community is not closed. We are still a family. The staff are still working and available to support you. Make no mistake, this is not a vacation (trust me, we are hard at work). In many ways, adapting is going to be difficult, but we will all be much safer and that is the number one priority. Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. A few thoughts on being contagious: viruses are contagious so is panic fear hysteria calm love enthusiasm kindness joy …choose wisely In partnership, Alex Brunner SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED UNTIL APRIL 20th.
Good afternoon, This situation is rapidly evolving as anticipated. We’ve been working this weekend to expand our at-home packets and digital resources. More info to come in a few hours... Stay tuned. Alex |
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