![]() Join using Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/hby-rqqv-tek Join by phone (US) +1 413-438-7265 PIN: 789 836 772# Please see the attached message from Chancellor Carranza. I strongly encourage all to read it and join the info. session this evening at 6:30 PM (see my post from earlier today). We need to ensure that we are as informed as possible if the Brooklyn Brownstone School plan is going to meet our community needs. Last night's District 16 Community Education Council meeting was full of great information and meaningful conversation around some of our largest concerns. Tonight we have the opportunity to hear directly from the Chancellor and TOMORROW NIGHT at 6PM we are hosting another Brooklyn Brownstone School TOWN HALL (link to be posted). I can assure you that family, staff, and other community members questions, concerns, and suggestions will play a major roll when WE choose our blended learning model(s). In partnership, Mr. Brunner (REMINDER)
Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School, Please join us for our upcoming Family and Student Information Sessions where our Department of Education leadership will share the latest updates as we plan for the return to schools in Fall 2020. TONIGHT, families will be able to hear re-opening updates directly from the Chancellor who will be joined by all of our Executive Superintendents. The event will feature a Q&A where Executive Superintendents will answer questions from families about the re-opening plans rolling out in their districts. Click the link to register: https://learndoe.org/face/ Sessions:
Wishing you all the best, Mr Brunner ![]() Good Morning Brooklyn Brownstone School, This evening is the monthly Community Education Council meeting. I strongly encourage you all attend. The council and superintendent will be discussing re-opening plans and I know there are a lot of lingering questions we all share. Please see the Zoom link below and additional access information in the image above. https://zoom.us/j/91568191118?pwd=Z0FlNlNYRlEyZlF5bkplT2E4djU5Zz09#success I also recommend that you join CEC16's mailing list to keep informed and empowered. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thanks! In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Evening and Happy Friday! During the town hall this morning, we discussed the revised reopening plan. Please see the updated version below. Be mindful that this document will change as we receive new information leading up to September. UPDATES: Pre-K and Kindergarten:
Social Emotional Well-being:
We must remain adaptive in the face of a challenging and changing environment. No matter the situation this fall, I am confident that we will provide a rich and robust learning experience for our children because.... T.B.B.S. WE ARE THE BEST! Have a great weekend everyone. In partnership, Mr. Brunner ![]() Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone School Community, Tomorrow morning at 10 AM we are hosting a town hall on returning to school this Fall. Since the School Leadership Team meeting Monday, there have been significant updates regarding trauma informed education, the curricula, Pre-K scheduling, and more. To join click the following Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/gev-ysbj-mxd or call 1-662-502-2690 PIN: 522 360 234# See you there! Mr. Brunner Hi Again Brooklyn Brownstone School!
Please complete the Learning Preference Survey: https://www.nycenet.edu/surveys/learningpreference Your response will help us plan for the fall. You have until August 7th to complete AND you can change you mind if we receive new information. I suggest reading the tentative plan FIRST and potentially joining our town hall(s) and Department of Education Family and Student information session(s) (see Mrs. Richards' post below) before making your decision. Take care! Mr. Brunner Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone School Families and Friends, I understand that there's a lot of back and forth regarding what school will look like in the Fall. I can assure you that the Brooklyn Brownstone School will be ready for whatever the future holds. Currently we are scheduled to return with social distancing restrictions and a blended learning platform that includes both in-person school and remote learning. Families also have the option to choose 100% remote learning if you do not feel comfortable sending your child to school. In order to make the best choice for your family, you need to be informed. Please see the attached tentative plan for reopening. As a reminder we are hosting two virtual town halls to discuss this plan and school next year, this Friday, July 24th at 10 AM and next Wednesday, July 29th at 6 PM. I hope to see you there. In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good evening TBBS Families,
In addition to the TBBS Town Halls and SLT meetings, the Department of Education will be holding family and student information sessions from 6:30-8:00 pm on: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Thursday, August 27, 2020 Please use this link https://learndoe.org/face/ to register for the sessions and/or submit questions. Lastly, all students will be engaging in some type of remote learning for the fall. As such we are encouraging all families to apply for an iPad through the Department of Education if they have not done so. Please apply using this link: https://coronavirus.schools.nyc/remotelearningdevices Student ID numbers can be located on your child’s report card. Please contact either Mr. Brunner or Mrs. Richards if you are unable to locate your child’s ID number. Sincerely, Mrs. Richards ![]() Good Evening Brooklyn Brownstone School Family and Friends, Thank you for joining us tonight for the School Leadership Team meeting. Tomorrow the school Instructional Leadership Team will be reviewing the tentative reopening plan for revisions. In the evening, I will post our plan for everyone to view. As mentioned earlier, there will be two town halls for you to voice your questions, comments, or suggestions. TOWN HALLS: Friday, July 24th at 10 AM Wednesday, July 29th at 6 PM Google Meet links will be posted prior to the events via ClassDojo. See you then! In partnership, Mr. Brunner Want to learn more about NYC schools plans for the 2020–21 school year? Attend our virtual citywide Information session for students and families on Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 6:30-7:30 PM with Chancellor Carranza.
Register now: schools.nyc.gov/returntoschool2020. You can also select your preferred language (English, Spanish or Chinese) and submit a question. Good Afternoon Brooklyn Brownstone Families and Friends,
I hope you're all having a great summer so far. As some of you have heard, the city is beginning to roll out their tentative plan for the fall. This morning principals had a productive meeting with Mayor DeBlasio and Chancellor Carranza. Though it is too soon to release the full plan and how it manifests at the Brooklyn Brownstone School, there is some information that should be shared. What we know: 1. Fall school programming will include a blend of remote learning at home and in-person school days. 2. Families will have the option to opt-out of in-person sessions 3. Social distancing guidelines will be in place throughout the school campus; 10 or less in a room, 6ft of distance, etc. What we don't know YET: 1. Mask wearing guidelines for children 2. Recess, breakfast and lunch 3. School day start and end times; this is informed by breakfast and our co-located schools What's next? 1. Releasing our tentative programming options followed by a virtual town hall 2. Releasing a survey/ form for those who want to opt-out of in-person sessions. This will then solidify out programming schedule 3. Virtual orientation Additional considerations: - High need students and families will be prioritized when scheduling - These decisions will be shared and include planning meetings with the School Leadership Team, Instructional Leadership Team, and PTA. - Our planning only works if we continue to practice social distancing. We see what's happening in other parts of the country. We need to stay Brooklyn strong. I will be sharing more information next week. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please comment below. I may not be able to respond at this time but your thoughts and insights will help. Thank you. In partnership, Mr. Brunner Good Afternoon and Happy Last Day of School!!!
This video was created a few weeks ago and we decided to share it today. Though we wont be interacting as frequently over the next couple months, our connection is stronger than ever! This school year was special in the way that we lifted each other up with gratitude and compassion. Let’s all take a moment to thank the people that helped us along the way. Thank you to everyone that has been supporting our community as essential workers. Thank you parents for your patience and understanding as we navigated remote learning. Thank you staff for your willingness to adapt and unwavering commitment to our students and families. Thank you students for your spirit and resilience that keeps hope alive and always puts a smile on my face. With much love and gratitude, Mr. Brunner THANK SOMEONE SPECIAL and spread the love!!! ![]() The Brooklyn Borough Arts Festival goes LIVE today! Be sure to check out all of the amazing student work throughout Brooklyn, and keep a special eye out for our own Ella and Anastasia! https://sites.google.com/schools.nyc.gov/2020bkbaf Have an amazing summer! -Ms. Saftler ![]() Hello TBBS Family! Thank you so much for participating in The Brooklyn Brownstone School Virtual Field Week. Even though we are all apart, we came together and made the event a huge success! I will leave the Flipgrid open, so you can try the activities over the summer and post them at any time. The challenges are a fun and fabulous way to stay active during the summer. So now, the final medal count and medalists. Gold Medal: Grace VanAlstyne, Ethan Espinal, Ayden Cumberbatch, Ariana Trotman, Caleb Peters, Yvana Gomez, Kingston David, Ethan Evans, and Kaleb Kerridge. Silver Medal: Kyle Byrant Bronze Medal: Fernando Fernandez, Sanaa Nelson, Sava Bailyn, Tyler Rumble, Noah Giscobe, Violet Donohue, Laila Emanuel0Dicks, Lucy VanAlstyne, Edgar Donohue, Nora Osakwe, Nahuel Roberts, Lyric Roberts, and Riley Wallace. Congratulations to all medalists and participants. I am also proud of all students and families for demonstrating a "can do" spirit by rising to the challenges during remote learning. YOU ARE ALL CHAMPIONS! Have a great summer, and see you in September! Thank you, Mr. Choi ![]() We made it! 🎉😀🙌🏾 It’s the last day of what has been a very difficult school year! The PTA would like to thank all of the parents, students, teachers, and school staff that turned on a dime and adjusted to remote learning. It wasn’t easy but we did it together! Thank you for engaging with and supporting the PTA this year. We look forward to working with you next semester. If you need anything from us you can always send us an email at [email protected] or reach out to us right here on Class Dojo! Have a great summer! 🏖☀️ ~PTA Executive Board |
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