Attendance is not factored into grading policy directly, however the impact of significant missed classes may be reflected.
We utilize the following grading scale:
4: Exceeding Standards
3: Meeting Standards
2: Below Standards
1: Far Below Standards
Parent Teacher Conferences are formative:
Progress reports are given at least two weeks prior to PTCs
Report cards are available at least two weeks after PTCs
All PTCs will continue to be virtual
Students arriving to their classroom after 8:05 am will be marked tardy.
Students that are absent will receive a phone call and/or text from the Department of Education. Please make sure that your contact information in your NYC Schools account is accurate.
If you child arrived between 8:30 am - 9:30 am, you will likely receive a robocall. This does not always mean they are absent, rather that their attendance has not yet been adjusted as late.
Excused absences are still absences. We can code excused absences when a student is absent from school for religious, medical or emergency reasons, but absences are a legal part of the student's record.
Family trips that result in missed instructional time, including extended vacations, count as absences. Travel documentation must be submitted to Ms. VanCooten, our school secretary prior to travel.
It’s never too late to drop a child off at school. Students who are dropped off late (until 1:30 pm) will be counted as PRESENT for the day.
Students at risk of chronic absenteeism will receive elevated support and services
Brooklyn Brownstone School acts in accordance with the chancellor’s policy on discipline.Students are expected to follow our behavior policy:
Actively listen (age appropriate)
Don’t interrupt when others are talking
Stay on task on classroom assignments
Ask questions if they don’t understand something
Complete all required school work
Bring the correct materials to school
Arrive on time and stay for the entire day
Are present at least 95% of the school year
Wear their uniforms daily
Keep their bodies and belongings to themselves
Ask permission to touch things that do not
belong to them
Speak respectfully
Do not deface school property
Clean up after themselves
Only eat in designated areas
Participate in PE and other physical activities
Avoid unhealthy snacks
Wear appropriate clothing
Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night
Wash their hands regularly
Know that it’s okay to make mistakes
Ask others for help
Complete every assignment
Families must notify the classroom teacher at least one week in advance.
Celebrations are permitted in the classroom, no earlier than 1:50 pm.
Any snacks must be nut-free “to go” items that are individually packaged and sealed (for example, individually packaged cupcakes, treat bags (no candy), etc.
Pizza parties are not permitted for birthday celebrations. They are reserved for school celebrations such as highest attendance.
Cell phones are not permitted to be used during the school day. In grades 3-5, cell phones and other electronic devices including tablets and watches are collected upon arrival and returned at the end of the day. During evacuations, cell phones are brought with the class.
Brooklyn Brownstone School utilizes various communication methods including ClassDojo, weekly class letters from teachers, our website, official class WhatsApps, the Brooklyn Brownstone School app, our monthly newsletter; The Brownstoner, and more. Our primary communication method is via ClassDojo messaging. Teachers are not able to receive phone calls and may not be able to respond to ClassDojo messages during instructional time. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response as staff will not respond after their contractual work hours or during the weekend.Our parent coordinator, Ms. Whetstone has open office hours from 9 AM-12 PM M, T, TH, F.
Call the Main Office at 718-573-2307 during the hours of 8:00 am - 3:00 pm if you are in need of support.
All K-5 classes are required to take educational field trips connected to the curriculum once a month. Trips build classroom community and provide first-hand experiences that are invaluable for our children. All trips are connected to activities before, during and after the trip to bring the most meaning to the experience. All field trips are scheduled by the end of September and are communicated by classroom teachers.
No one will be excluded from a trip for a lack of ability to pay. Permission slips for field trips must be submitted two weeks prior to the trip. If the slip is not received by the deadline, the student will not be able to attend. Students will not be excluded from trips as a disciplinary consequence. If there are behavioral concerns that may result in a safety risk, a parent may be required to accompany the student. Students are not able to miss school to avoid taking a field trip. Please inform Principal Brunner is you have any concerns.
Items with sugar (any word ending in “ose”) or corn syrup listed in the first 3 ingredients are not allowed
100% juice, milk, or water are allowed for beverages
We encourage reusable bottles to take advantage of our water fountains
HOMEWORK At Brooklyn Brownstone School, we do not require homework in early childhood grades, 3K - 2nd. We will provide “extension activities.” Families can use this material at home at their discretion. Reading, memorizing sight words, counting activities, and iReady adaptive instruction are suggested for every student, every day. Throughout the school year there will be opportunities for project-based work with deadlines given well in advance.
In Grades 3-5, nightly homework is not optional, and may be assigned as relevant and meaningful extensions of the daily work in class. Homework should not be more than 30 minutes per night. In addition students should continue to participate in 45 minutes of iReady reading and 45 minutes of iReady math at home weekly.
Homework may be checked but may not received feedback and comments unless it is directly connected to classwork or work that was unfinished during the school day. Parents are encouraged to reach out to their child's teacher to better understand the specifics of at-home work for the school year.
UNIFORMS All students must wear appropriate school uniforms each and every day. Uniform adherence will be documented daily. If a child is not present in uniform, the family will be contacted
All visitors must show proof of identification to enter a NYCDOE school building. To enter the building, press the buzzer and display your identification. Upon entry to the building proceed to school safety to sign in.
After check-in family members must come directly to the Brooklyn Brownstone School Main Office (Room 312) prior to going to another part of the building (including your child’s classroom).
If visitors are picking up students, they must be on the emergency contact card, or the school must receive prior written communication from the student's parent/ guardian.
All visitors must depart the building immediately following their business.
Repeated violations will result in limited access.